About Almonds


About almonds

Why almonds?

We are all familiar with almonds; we snack on, roast, fry and crush them and incorporate them in our meals or in-between them.

The almond industry now affords you the opportunity to become acquainted with our almonds. Varieties bred in Israel over decades and an industry that continues to conduct research and to make progress.

The website contains considerable information and updates about the uses of almonds and efficient consumption thereof. The latest tables of nutritional values, so that you can become acquainted with all the health attributes of the Israeli almond.

Almonds are a wonderful tapestry of rich nutritional value helping to meet the daily recommended allowance of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, and constitute an important pillar in health awareness trends.

The almond tree is a member of the Rosaceae family, deciduous and bare in the autumn and start of the winter.

As a species, the almond tree (Prunus dulcis) is a close relative of the peach, plum and cherry.

Almonds most likely originated in the Middle East, from where they spread to other parts of the world.

In botanical terms, the fruit of the almond tree is not a nut, but a drupe (seed) 20-35 cm long composed of a green-grey thick external leathery coat, and an inner reticulated hard and woody shell in which the seed is found (“the nut”).

The almond tree is deciduous and needs a quota of cold spells in order to ‘awaken’ from its winter hibernation.

The greater the number of cold spells, the higher the yield.

A refined Israeli fruit

The almond is a large fruit that grows in many areas of Israel, comprised almost entirely of local varieties, the product of Israeli breeding and research,

and of excellent flavor, size and quality.

The predominant variety in Israel is the Umm al-Fahm, (or ‘Hassan’, after the name of the breeder). The fruit (seed) is specially large, with a soft and light‑colored shell, and has a delicate and rich flavor.

A small serving of almonds contains a variety of nutrients that constitute an excellent source of vitamins and minerals (including vitamin E and magnesium).

Almonds are the most fiber rich of all nuts and seeds.

The daily recommended allowance is a handful of almonds (30 grams), which contains 6 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.5 grams of dietary fiber, vitamin E and 20% of the daily recommended allowance of magnesium.

Almonds can also be incorporated in the course of the day, as part of a meal or in-between meals.

“Take of the best fruits in the land…
a little balm and a little honey, gum,
ladanum, nuts and almonds”

(Genesis 43:11)

Wholesome health with the Israeli almond

The Israeli almond – a natural multi-mineral, multi-vitamin

Almonds – an excellent weapon in lowering cholesterol and maintaining cardiovascular health

Results of clinical studies on healthy subjects and subjects with high levels of blood cholesterol consistently demonstrate that consumption of almonds has a positive impact on lowering LDL levels (the “bad” cholesterol) in the blood.

A review of the literature found an optimal impact on LDL and total cholesterol levels when 30 g or more of almonds were consumed daily.

The results of the majority of studies found that consuming almonds contributed to lowering of LDL levels by 5% to 12%. Similar lowering of levels was also found for total cholesterol levels.

Consumption of almonds was also associated with preserving of HDL levels (the “good” cholesterol), and even their elevation.

Almonds form part of the Portfolio diet. This well-known dietary pattern has been extensively researched in recent decades.

It is rich in vegetable protein, soluble dietary fiber, and phytosterols found in almonds, and has been determined to be highly effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

The benefits of the Israeli almond

According to the FDA, almonds are considered a nutrient rich food. That is, a serving of almonds contains nutrients in excess of 20% of the daily recommended allowance.
High levels of the other elements are also found in almonds.


The benefits of the Israeli almond

Helps lower

Helps prevent
heart disease

Rich in vitamins
and dietary fiber

Ideal for inclusion
in a weight loss menu


Articles about almonds